Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Holidays from McHenry Water Well & Pump

The holidays are a time of year when we take stock of our situations and give thanks for our good fortune. Though the world is an imperfect place, certainly, there is much to be thankful for.

At McHenry Water Well & Pump, we are thankful for the wonderful homeowners and business owners we’ve had the opportunity to serve in 2013. In many cases, friendships have developed from what started as a service call to inspect, maintain or repair someone’s well, pump and water system.

These friendships stand on the bedrock of mutual trust and appreciation. At McHenry Water Well & Pump, we consider ourselves fortunate for the opportunity to earn that trust. It’s not an opportunity we take lightly.

We also appreciate the warmth we feel in our hearts when the look of concern that greeted us at the door upon our arrival for a service call is replaced with a look of relief and thanks when the job is finished.

As we lookout for the interests of our clients, we strive to inform homeowners and business owners about the savings and convenience they can expect with timely well maintenance. In educating clients about maintaining their wells, we help to ensure that they have access to fresh, clean water the year round.

There is more money in repairs. The cost, for instance, of replacing a well pump is significant as compared to maintenance that would have extended the pump’s life. But, as we enjoy looking at ourselves in the mirror each morning with a clean conscience, we’d rather earn an honest dollar helping homeowners and business owners extend the life of their wells than waiting for their well systems to breakdown.

It’s this higher code of standards from which friendships develop. Besides, word gets around when a business has shady business practices. A business such as that doesn’t last long. Our goal is to make friends of clients for years to come.

To our friends, clients and everyone else in the Northern Illinois region and beyond, at McHenry Water Well & Pump, we wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful New Year.

This message is brought to you by McHenry Water Well & Pump. For more information about McHenry Water Well & Pump, call 815-403-3333 or visit: