Sunday, April 20, 2014

Annual water well maintenance check is a great way to keep the water flowing in your Wonder Lake home

You carry a basket of laundry down the stairs in your Wonder Lake home, put some detergent in the machine and add the clothes. Then you turn the knobs to the desired selections before closing the door and pushing the button. But, as you turn to walk away, nothing happens. You push again. Still nothing.

The problem: the well pump that brings water from the well outside into your Wonder Lake home has expired.

The solution: call a well repair service, such as McHenry Water Well & Pump and, while you wait, take the clothes to the Laundromat on Wonder Lake Road. Of course, with an emergency call, you may not have time to make it to the Laundromat before your well technician arrives.

It shouldn’t take long for the well technician to have your well pumping water again. However, a new well pump isn’t free. Additionally, there’s the question of why your well pump burned out in the first place.

Was it merely a matter of age or was there another problem? If the well tank wasn’t properly charged the well pump won’t operate correctly. In fact, if the well tank wasn’t charged properly, the bladder may have a rupture. In either case, as a result, your well pump may have cycled on and off repeatedly. That puts a heavy burden on a well pump and the heat created will quickly terminate the pump’s motor.

At McHenry Water Well & Pump, as with any conscientious well repair service, they’ll do all they can to keep the costs down. But, when the well pump burns out or the bladder in the well tank is ruptured, there is only so much they can do to keep the cost of a well repair down.

The best way to avoid the high costs of having you’re well on the property of your Wonder Lake home repaired is to ensure that your well is maintained. Well maintenance is inexpensive insurance to avoid costly well repairs.

A quality well technician will chlorinate your well while performing a maintenance check. The chlorination will go a long way to ensuring that your water is safe. They’ll also do a multi-point check of your well system, checking the electrical components, the well cap, pump and tank. With the latter, that will include checking the charge in your tank.

Often, a well tank bladder rips because the well tank didn’t have the right charge. By maintaining the charge at the correct level you virtually guarantee that the bladder won’t rip.

In the meantime, there are some things you can do to check your well system yourself. If you notice a rotten egg smell to the water, or see that the water in the back tank of your toilet is leaving an orange skin on the porcelain, that’s a good indication that your well requires chlorination. However, an annual chlorination will avoid those problems in the first place and an annual checkup for your well system is a very good idea.