Tuesday, October 28, 2014

All is well in Lakemoor when your wells are well chlorinated

In Lakemoor, many of the homes and businesses are served by well water. Unlike city water supplies, where, for the most part, the only requirement is to turn on the water when you want it, a well requires a degree of maintenance and care.

More than a few of the residents in Lakemoor have become familiar with maintaining their own wells. Hopefully, they’re doing the job right. For instance, while well chlorination seems fairly straightforward, if it’s not done correctly, a homeowner or business owner in Lakemoor can actually cause problems with their wells.

Proper chlorination goes beyond simply pouring the chlorine into the well. To do it properly, you want to avoid pouring the chlorine over the well cap and pit-less adapter, as well as electrical connections in the well. Over time, the chlorine does a nasty job of eating away at these parts of the well.

When the pros at McHenry Water Well & Pump chlorinate a well, they add the chlorine so that it doesn’t corrode metal parts and connections.

It’s also important to completely flush the chlorine from the well and water lines after the chlorine has had time to sanitize the well. The chlorine will break considerable amounts of mineral deposits from the well and plumbing pipes. Those deposits can clog small diameter water lines and fixtures.

Last winter, John Matthesius, the owner of McHenry Water Well and Pump, filmed a video as he chlorinated an artesian well. It’s a short video that provides some insight on how to chlorinate your well. It also demonstrates that John is a consummate professional who knows wells inside and out. You may want to simply call John and let him handle the job at your Lakemoor home or office. It’s not that expensive and it’s comforting to know the job is done correctly.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Is it time to test and chlorinate your well?

What kind of water are you bringing into your home? Is it safe, clean and odor free?

The enemy lurking, waiting for a chance to contaminate your water is known as bacteria. It assaults your water supply and moves through your house in the pipes that carry this vital resource.

Water is an essential element in your home. You use it to bathe, cook and clean. Most importantly, you and your loved ones consume it – allow it to enter your bodies where it plays a vital role in the maintenance of good health. But, what if the water is tainted, if it contains toxic elements? Clearly, that’s not good.

If you have city water, the hope is that the city is doing a good job keeping the water safe and clean. In the process, they probably help to improve the taste while removing any negative odor. But, if you have a private well providing water to your home, you can’t count on municipal workers to do that job. The burden falls on your shoulders.

Where the city falls short, you might call in a water treatment company to help. Through filters and softeners they will help to improve the quality of the water in your home. With a private well, however, a really good place to start is at the source. In other words, proper well maintenance is the first step to ensuring good water quality in your home.

Water well maintenance includes ensuring that your well’s delivery system is up to par – that the pump works properly, the well tank is properly charged, the electronics are in good condition and the well cap is sealed so foreign insects and matter can’t get in. Proper water well maintenance also includes annual tests and chlorination of your well.

You may be tempted to chlorinate your well yourself. A word of caution in this regard: if you don’t do it right you can cause damage to parts of the pump, tank and electronic connections. Your best bet is probably to call in an expert, such as John Matthesius with McHenry Water Well & Pump.

One aspect of John’s job that he enjoys the most is the good feeling he gets knowing he’s helped to ensure that his customers are drinking and using safe and healthy water. Well maintenance is extremely cost effective. On the other hand, avoiding timely well maintenance can prove very expensive.