Monday, June 8, 2015

Annual well maintenance will keep the water flowing in your Port Barrington home

You lift or turn the handle and water flows from the faucet. It’s almost like magic. Of course, we tend to take it for granted; it happens every time we do it. We come to expect it. And, on that day when it doesn’t happen, when we turn or lift a handle in our Port Barrington home, it’s a disconcerting experience.

We find ourselves asking a simple question – ‘Why doesn’t the water flow?’

For homes that are connected to city water, there’s a good chance that the problem is with the city. You’ll just have to wait until they figure it out. Possibly, when the water does start to flow again, you’ll have to abide by a boil order – the water isn’t safe straight from the faucet.

In Port Barrington, however, homeowners generally rely on private wells to supply their water. If the water doesn’t flow it’s a personal problem. The city isn’t going to rush out and fix the problem. Maintaining and repairing the well is the responsibility of the homeowner.

Maintenance is a key factor in this equation. If a Port Barrington homeowner stays on top of the well, figuratively speaking, and keeps up with timely maintenance, such as checking the pressure in the water tank, ensuring that the electronics are working properly, that the motor is in good condition and that the well is chlorinated annually, repairs are an uncommon occurrence.

Well repairs are far more common when well maintenance is left by the wayside. Without regular maintenance, that disconcerting feeling you get when something is supposed to work and it doesn’t, is far more likely. One day the water just might not flow.

Some people try to maintain their wells themselves. However, it’s really recommended that homeowners call in a professional. For instance, when chlorinating a well – a vital process to ensure the quality of the water is up to snuff – some homeowners simply pour the chemical into the well. There’s more to it than that.

Improperly done, the chlorine can build up around the well motor, electronics and connections causing problems down the road. And if well repairs are required, the situation is considerably more difficult and costly when a well technician comes to the rescue.

Well maintenance is an annual affair. If you have proper well maintenance professionally performed on your Port Barrington home’s well, in all likely hood, you’ll go years with the water continuing to flow.