Monday, December 18, 2017

Have you shown your Spring Grove well a little appreciation with some timely well maintenance?

Spring Grove well maintenance
It's not the snowman who is standing sentry; it's your
Spring Grove water well that is dutifully waiting for your
call and responding with the flow of water you request.
Thank your water well for its
dedication with some maintenance.
Looking out the back window into your Spring Grove backyard it’s hard to imagine that, under that blanket of snow is a champion working tirelessly on your behalf. Patiently, he waits for your call. No matter how many times you beckon him for help, he responds.

Reliable. Uncomplaining. Industrious. These are all words that aptly describe this hero hiding beneath the snow. When the need arises, he jumps to your aid. He is your well pump only visible by the wellhead that extends less than a foot above the ground. But, even that is invisible when he is buried beneath the snow.

The cold, the snow, even rain and blowing winds – none of these deter him as he steadfastly meets your need to access fresh water. When you wash your hands, fill a pot to cook some dinner, wash the dishes, the clothes, yourself: his commitment is equal to the task.

Few in Spring Grove, or beyond, are nearly as loyal. But, in return, you hardly ever think of him. Even when you turn on the water to give your baby a bath, you don’t spare him a thought. The only way you’ll ever think of him is if he fails in his task.

If he doesn’t follow through meeting your demands, you’ll curse him. But, will you thank him for his dedication over the years – year after year, month after month, day after day and from one minute to the next. When the water flowed, he was quietly ignored for his trouble.

To show your appreciation, you would call out a qualified well technician before he ever needs your help. Take care of him and he’ll almost assuredly continue to care for you. If you perform timely well maintenance, you’ll have even greater reason to continue to trust him to provide water from your Spring Grove well whenever you need it. Ignore him and, one day, though it won’t be his fault, he’s liable to let you down.