Saturday, December 8, 2018

It’s winter but you can still chlorinate your Spring Grove well

winter well chlorination Spring Grove
Yes, you can chlorinate your
Spring Grove well in winter.
Officially, another Spring Grove winter is only a couple weeks away. Unofficially, you may have concluded it’s already here. While it’s frigid outdoors, you’ve noticed that your home’s well water is smelling a little funny. Or, maybe you’ve notice that the color of the water is tinted slightly brown. Or, maybe you’ve just realized you haven’t had your well water chlorinated in a while. Now the question is whether you can chlorinate your well in winter?

You could buy some chlorine, bundle up, run a hose outside and chlorinate your well yourself. Expect to be uncomfortable. But, if you dress with layers, you won’t get too cold, well, unless your clothes get wet, which is a distinct possibility. About now, you may be reconsidering the idea. But, there’s another reason you might not want to chlorinate your own well.

When someone who is not a well technician chlorinates their well, they often do so improperly, which can have costly, long-term side effects. What happens is that, if the chlorination isn’t done properly, the chlorine can damage parts of your well system. You might not realize that the damage was done, at least, not until a well technician has to replace your well pump. The well technician will notice the problem and you’ll notice on the bill you receive when the work is done.

But, why not chlorinate your Spring Grove well in winter?

You can chlorinate your well in the winter. That’s not the issue. The question is whether you want to. You may not want to because, in the winter when the temperature is low, as you know, water freezes. Once the well is chlorinated, your well technician will flush the well. Along with waiting 24 hours to drink, bathe or do laundry with your well water, there’s a good chance the flushing will leave you with an ice-skating rink out in your yard. In general, it’s more of a mess working with water that freezes.

You can still chlorinate your well in winter, and qualified well technicians are used to working under these conditions. But, you may find more peace of mind knowing the well chlorination won’t cause all that frozen mess.

And, yes, you could put some skates on and use the frozen water in the yard for a skating rink. But, if you want to ice skate this winter, you’ll find better ice at an indoor ice-skating rink in the area, such as the Crystal Lake Ice House, which isn’t too far from Spring Grove.