Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Spring Grove well pumps can fail in the middle of winter, too

But, well maintenance can extend the life of your well pump

well pump fail Spring Grove
Even in the middle of winter, your Spring Grove
well pump can fail. Maintenance is the key to
avoiding this problem.

One good thing about winter is that, when the temperature falls in Spring Grove, you never have to worry about your well pump failing. When the ground is covered with snow, you never have to worry, either. Of course, there’s only one problem with these statements; they’re both patently false.

A well pump doesn’t care what the temperature is. The well pump in the ground outside your Spring Grove home doesn’t care if there’s no snow, an inch of snow or 2-feet of snow; if the pump will fail the weather won’t have an appreciable influence on the matter.

The problem with a well pump failing in winter is that a well technician has to work on your well, replacing the pump, when water exposed to the air will freeze. And, in the winter, if there is snow, particularly if there is 2-feet of snow, the well technician has to get through the snow to get to your well head.

Getting through 2-feet of snow to replace a well pump starts with knowing where to dig out the snow. Assuming you have a rough idea where the wellhead is will narrow the search. Otherwise, the well technician will have to dig holes in the general area until they find your well head.

Considering the difficulty finding a wellhead when the snow is deep, it might be worth it to take a couple measurements before the snow flies. Measure from two fixed positions relative to the wellhead. For instance, it might be 6’9” from a fence post on one side of the wellhead and 4’11” from the trunk of a tree in the other direction.

By using those measurements, a well technician can quickly triangulate and find the wellhead. That will help, should your well pump fail in the winter time. But, the well technician will still have to dig under the snow. And they’ll still need to deal with the cold. That’s just the way it is, if your well pump fails in the depths of a cold, cold, snowy winter.

Keep in mind that, when the well pump fails, you won’t have any water from your plumbing. One way to avoid having your well pump fail at an inopportune moment is to maintain your well. If you haven’t thought about it, you can even do that during the winter.

Well maintenance can help to extend the life of your well pump, and other parts of the well system. It’s a great way to avoid having your Spring Grove well pump fail in the middle winter.