Thursday, January 23, 2014

How much experience does your well technician really have?

When you call a well maintenance and repair technician to come out to your house or office, you want the peace of mind knowing they are experts at what they do. This is particularly true if your well system isn’t working. If they have the knowledge and experience, you’re confident fresh, clean water will start flowing again soon.

Of course, if it’s merely a well system maintenance call you still want an experienced well technician on the job. If the person working on your well system doesn’t really, really know what they’re doing, you could find yourself dealing with repairs before too long.

When a well company advertises that it has 81 years of experience, for instance, what do they really mean? Is it a one-man shop with a 100-year-old well technician who started fresh out of high school in 1933? Not likely.

Maybe there are three techs who have 27-years experience each. It’s almost as likely that they’re triplets to have equal years of experience such as that. No, chances are, if the advertised number has any basis in fact, it includes the 50-plus years of experience of the semi-retired owner and several other well technicians combined.

The worker who shows up at your house, a nice kid who recently started shaving, may have no more than a few months of experience. When that young worker approaches your well, it’s a roll of the dice how things will work out.

What this means is that you’ll want to make sure your well technician is really a technician with knowledge and experience maintaining and repairing wells. That nice kid may quickly find him or herself in over their head in your well problem. They had all sorts of confidence when they started but suddenly discovered the true depth of their knowledge.

The reality is that number of years on the Web page or advertisement for the well company you’re calling may have little practical application to reality. The best defense is to ask specific questions about your well technician’s experience and knowledge.

For instance, if you called McHenry Water Well & Pump, you’d discover that the well technician coming out to your home or office has decades of experience and geological education that will give you that well-deserved peace of mind.

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