Monday, December 7, 2015

Hire a professional to maintain your Spring Grove well – your personal public works department

Jogging is great for the body but, after a
workout, you want to drink water that is
also good for the body. In Spring Grove,
this includes chlorinating your well to
ensure that the water is safe and clean.
Cities, such as McHenry, Woodstock and Crystal Lake, have public works departments that are fully staffed with workers who monitor and maintain multiple water treatment plants. At your Spring Grove home, however, there’s only you to monitor and maintain your private well. Some of your Spring Grove neighbors probably do a fairly good job of maintaining their wells. Many, however, are less likely to be up to date when it comes to chlorinating their wells.

Those who do maintain their wells properly, probably rely on a professional to perform the well maintenance and to chlorinate their wells. This is a very good idea.

Why should you maintain and chlorinate your well?

Nasty things can happen to your water supply if it isn’t maintained. Well maintenance includes ensuring that the well motor, well pump, the well tank and the electronics that make it all work are in good condition. Properly maintained, those well components can continue to supply your home with water for years to come. And they’ll do it more economically as you avoid costly repairs and premature replacement of well parts.

Additionally, well maintenance and timely chlorination of your Spring Grove well will help to ensure that the water you drink, bath in and use to wash clothes and dishes is safe water. Wells are chlorinated to fight off bacteria and foreign matter that can make your water unsafe for consumption. And who wants to bathe in bacteria-ridden water?

Why should you hire a professional to maintain your well?

When it comes to checking the well motor, well pump, well tank and electronics, a professional knows what they’re looking at. They’ve seen what those well components look like when they’re in good shape and they’ve seen what they look like when they’re in bad shape. They know how a properly operating well should function. In other words, they have the experience that provides perspective between a properly operating well and a well that isn’t operating properly.

More than that, a professional knows how to perform well maintenance. They know how to adjust the bladder in your well tank while checking its condition. If something needs attention, they know how to remove, repair and/or replace necessary parts of your well equipment.

When it comes to chlorinating your well, this is a step that many homeowners, including those in Spring Grove, assume they can easily handle themselves. After all, what is there to chlorinating a well? You open the well and dump some chlorine in, right? Not so fast.

Actually, simply dumping chlorine into the well can cause problems down the road. The chlorine is corrosive on the well pump and connections. When you next need to replace the pump, you’ll discover that you can’t take the fittings apart; they were damaged by the chlorine you dumped into the well.

A professional will add the chlorine without getting it onto the pump and connections. In other words, they’ll protect your well so it’s easier to work with later. When they’re done, you’ll be able to use the water – to drink, to wash with and to bathe in – with confidence.

It turns out, you don’t need an entire public works department to maintain your private well. But, you may want to turn to a professional for a little help.

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