Monday, March 13, 2017

How long can you count on your Port Barrington well pump? Depends …

Port Barrington well pump
If your Port Barrington well pump fails, you'll find
yourself out of water.
That well pump outside has quietly drawn water from your well, and pumped it into your Port Barrington home for years. You’ve come to depend on it without even thinking of it; you just assume the water will flow when you want it.

Your faith in that well pump was well placed, if you’ll pardon the pun. It has worked, without complaint, for more than a decade. And, never once did it fail to deliver when you called on it for water. The question, however, is ‘how long can you continue to count on your well pump to deliver water into your Port Barrington home?’

In most cases, a well pump is well made. It will work for years providing water to your home without a hitch. But, inevitably, your well pump will fail. It simply won’t last forever.

When is it time to replace your well pump? There is that obvious time when the water has stopped and, with a tone of desperation in your voice, you’ve called a well technician out to your Port Barrington home. The well technician spent a while out in your yard working and then you hear a knock on the door. You find the well technician standing there with a silver cylinder in their hands.

They say something to you along the line of, “Yep, she’s bad – all burned out.”

The next questions are in reference to cost and time – how much will it cost to replace your well pump and how long will it take until your water is back on. Hopefully, the well technician has a replacement well pump handy, in which case it shouldn’t take too long.

In other cases, the well technician will come out to perform the annual well maintenance for your Port Barrington well system …

You are having annual well maintenance performed, right? Of course, you are. If not, there’s a good chance you had to have your well pump replaced prematurely and this would be a different story all together.

But, going back to the point above, you may have your well technician out to do some maintenance and the well technician will inform you that your well pump isn’t working as good anymore. The well technician might suggest that, rather than wait, this is a good time, while the pump is out of the well anyhow, to replace it.

Getting back to our question – ‘how long will your well pump consistently pump water into your Port Barrington home? That depends on another question referred to above: how good of a job have you done taking care of it?

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