Monday, July 9, 2018

Is your Spring Grove well pump sick and what are the symptoms?

sick well pump Spring Grove
Do you know the symptoms when
your Spring Grove well pump
is sick?
A healthy well pump in your Spring Grove well is a happy well pump. It will silently pump water up into your home, out of your faucets and into intended appliances on demand and without complaint. But, from time to time, a well pump can come down with an illness that can make it operate sadly and unreliably.

If you’re feeling sick, you’ll consider the symptoms and decide whether you can take some aspirin, have some chicken soup and get some bed rest or whether you need to bring your symptoms to a doctor for an expert opinion. In the same sense, when your Spring Grove well pump is sick, you can do your own preliminary diagnosis as long as you realize that you may need to call in a well professional.

So, before you call a well technician for an expert opinion, what should you look for? Here are some of the symptoms of a sick well pump:

  • You’re experiencing decreased water pressure in your home or office
  • There are loud or funny noises coming from your pipes
  • Water is spitting out of faucets rather than providing the regular flow you expect
  • The water is dirty
  • You may even notice an increase in your electric bill, though there are other things that can cause this

If you find one or more of these symptoms, you may have a sick well pump. But, don’t jump to conclusions. You could have other problems with your well. That qualified well technician can clarify matters for you.

For instance, there are other issues that could cause your well pressure to fall. You could have sediment clogging a filter. You could have a torn bladder inside your well tank. A well technician will sort that out for you. But, at least you’ll know what to look for in general; you’ll know when it’s time to call a well technician to come out and look at your Spring Grove well.

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